Academic Policies

AC25 Emeritus Status (Formerly HR25)

Policy Status: 


Policy Steward: 

Senior Vice Provost


  • Purpose
  • Normal Eligibility
  • Approval of Emeritus Status
  • Designated Title Continuation
  • Notification of Award of Emeritus Status
  • Privileges of Emeritus Status
  • Revocation of Emeritus Status
  • Cross References


    This policy provides the criteria for eligibility and privileges of Emeritus Status.


    Emeritus Status is a privilege, not a right, and is given in recognition of sustained meritorious academic service to The Pennsylvania State University.

    To be eligible for Emeritus Status individuals must meet the following three eligibility criteria:

    1. Hold a full-time academic appointment as a(n):
      1. university faculty member with primary responsibility of teaching, research, or service (or any combination of the three)

      2. academic administrator
    2. Hold any of the following ranks for at least five years prior to leaving the University:
      • professor or associate professor
      • professor of practice
      • clinical professor, associate clinical professor, or assistant clinical professor with a non-terminal degree
      • librarian or associate librarian
      • research professor, associate research professor, or assistant research professor with a non-terminal degree
      • teaching professor, associate teaching professor, or assistant teaching professor with a non-terminal degree
      • executive, associate dean, or director of an academic unit
    3. Meet one of the following requirements for age/years of University employment:
      1. age sixty or older with ten or more years in a full-time appointment

      2. twenty-five or more years in a full-time appointment

    The President may approve or disapprove the award of Emeritus Status apart from the normal eligibility criteria described above, and will notify the Board of Trustees' Subcommittee on Compensation in such circumstances.


    Emeritus Status is awarded by the President after reviewing any request from a dean, chancellor, or academic vice president. Emeritus Status may be awarded to the President by the Board of Trustees.


    Individuals holding Distinguished Professorships or University-Named titles will continue such title designations into Emeritus Status. Such continuation of title designation does not carry with it any supplemental or other privileges that were associated with the University-Named appointment during active employment.


    A letter and a certificate are sent by the President to each individual awarded Emeritus Status. Copies of these letters are sent to the appropriate dean, chancellor, or academic vice president.


    The following privileges are available to a recipient of Emeritus Status in addition to the privileges accorded all retirees*:

    1. Penn State Emeritus ID Card
    2. Listing of title, department, campus, and educational affiliation in the Faculty/Staff Directory
    3. Additional parking options may be available through the Parking Office
    4. Penn State Access Account for Internet services
    5. Regular Faculty/Staff privileges at University Libraries
    6. Access to University recreational facilities
    7. Faculty/Staff discount at Penn State Bookstores
    8. Educational Privileges for self and eligible dependents

    Office or laboratory space will be assigned as appropriate to an emeritus faculty member by the home academic department or college in accordance with space available, the emeritus faculty member's productivity and contributions to teaching and research, and policies of the individual units regarding space assignments.

    *Note: The eligibility requirements for the award of Emeritus Status are not intended to supersede the eligibility requirements of HR54, Continuation of Group Insurance After Age 60, Age 65, and After Retirement or Death. The specific eligibility requirements of HR54 must be met in order to qualify for the benefits outlined in that policy.


    At the sole discretion of the University, Emeritus Status may be revoked at any time. Without limiting such discretion, revocation may occur when it is determined that the individual's conduct, before or after receiving the Emeritus designation, conflicts with the intent and spirit of the designation and/or causes harm to the University's reputation. The President is authorized to make the decision to revoke Emeritus Status. The President shall inform the affected individual, and shall notify the Board of Trustees, for information purposes, as well as the appropriate dean or administrative officer. A determination specific to the position of President shall be made by the Board of Trustees. This section is intended to confirm the existing "at will" nature of Emeritus Status and thus applies to all individuals who currently hold Emeritus Status or may be granted such status in the future.


    AC10 - Distinguished Professorships

    AC81 - University-Named Professorships

    AC82 - University-Named Chairs

    AC83 - University Endowed Fellowships

    AC93 - University-Named Dean's Chairs

    AC94 - University-Named Department Head's Chairs

    Most recent changes:

    6/8/20: Changed eligibility requirements to include faculty without terminal degrees who were hired at the second rank or who were hired at the first rank and achieved promotion.

    Revision History (and effective dates):

    • May 30, 2018 - Editorial changes to update titles.
    • December 8, 2015 - Editorial changes.

    • June 13, 1964 - New Policy.

    Date Approved: 

    December 8, 2015

    Date Published: 

    July 17, 2020

    Effective Date: 

    December 8, 2015