Paid Sick Leave For Exempt Staff Who Began Exempt Employment Prior To October 1, 1992

An employee is entitled to leave with pay, as needed for an absence due to illness or injury, not to exceed the limits of the following schedule.

Length of Continuous Regular University Service at Beginning of Absence

Allowance for Each Absence

Less than 2 years

20 days

More than 2, but less than 5 years

40 days

More than 5, but less than 10 years

60 days

More than 10 years

120 days

More than 15 years

At the discretion of the dean or administrative officer, but not less than 120 days

Only days on which the employee normally would have worked are charged against sick leave limits.  If an employee returns to active employment, and within sixty calendar days returns to leave with pay status for the same illness or injury, the amount of time charged to leave with pay for the previous absence shall be counted against the allowance for the subsequent absence when determining the new allowance.

If an employee's absence continues beyond the appropriate paid sick leave allowance, the employee, at the employee's option, shall either charge additional absence to accumulated vacation or request a leave of absence without salary.  (See HR-16).  A salary deduction shall not be made for absence in excess of the appropriate paid sick leave allowance or accumulated vacation if such absence is for less than one day.

An employee who retires on a pension who is eligible for continuation of insurance into retirement shall receive one-fourth (1/4) the cash value of the employee's unused sick leave; provided, however, such payment shall not exceed an amount equal to a)  twelve and one-half (12 1/2) days of pay or b)  seventeen (17) days of pay if the employee's use in the preceding twelve (12) months has not exceeded twenty-five percent (25%) of the paid sick leave allowance.  The cash equivalent of the unused sick leave days is computed by multiplying the number of unused sick leave days by the daily rate published in Appendix 19 of the General Forms Usage Guide.

Human Resources

Date Approved: 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Date Published: 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Effective Date: 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017